The popularity of Classical music has increased during the period of 1700 to 1800. New concerts, symphonies and sonatas are conducted by many famous composers. Some of the popular classic music composers include Beethoven, Schubert, Haydn, Mendelssohn and Mozart. Anybody can be an expert in the classic music by learning the various styles and developments occurred during each period. Classic music singing was practiced even before the period of Pope Gregory. He was the first one to start the practice of writing music and he is also responsible for the birth of sheet music. All the classical music notes are assigned a respective letter by Gregory from A to D. After Gregory, E, F, G and half notes were added.
Music monks began the activity of writing and singing songs with the rules of Gregory. These easy and mesmerizing melodies were referred to us Gregorian chants. They sounded like spiritual calm music. Music notations like do, re, mi, fa, so, la and ti are introduced by a musician monk called Guido of Arezzo. The idea of including musical accompaniment to madrigals was introduced by the Italian Musician Claudio Monteverdi. He is responsible for the invention of opera and creating drama music. Music composers like Vivaldi, Handel and Bach wrote the music for mass by residing in the churches. They produced more than hundreds of works that are still being used in the modern days
The classical music changed its form to highly emotional and personal during the period of romantic era. This era began during the early period of mid 1800s. Some of the most popular music composers of the romantic period include Chopin, Liszt, Strauss, Brahms and Berlioz. The style of adding the flavor of country town to the classical music and the country folk music was introduced by the music composers like Tchaikovsky, Dvorak, Rachmaninoff and several others. This style became a smash hit and it lasted till the early period of the 20th century. Disney used most of the classical musical works of the twentieth century and converted them into Fantasia.
For a peaceful state of mind, Mozart can be listened to. This music is very helpful for relaxation. Piano Concerto No. 21 in C Major is one of the most famous music useful for relaxing the tensed nerves. Spellbinding is also one of the classical song which is desired by most people for the purpose of inspiration and relaxation.
The instruments which are utilized in the classical music were introduced before the middle part of 19th century. They include the orchestra instruments and some solo instruments like harpsichord, organ and piano. The electrical guitar instrument was introduced in the 20th and 21st centuries. Most of the instruments that are connected with the current trend famous music played major roles in the early period of classical music. Those instruments include the bagpipes, hurdy gurdies, vihuelas and few woodwind instruments.